Developing a Personal Vision

When we speak about a personal vision it is usually related to a projection of “where do you want to go in life”. It is focused on establishing a personal vision of the goals you want to achieve, what you want to live in the next ten years, and the many aspects of our lives here on Earth. Even though these things are good and they have some value, for a child of God, setting a personal vision comes from a totally different aspect: to establish himself in a reality that comes from another sphere. For the children of God a personal vision should be the inner image that they develop of themselves, according to the thoughts and purposes of the Father for their lives.

A personal vision should never be a projection outside of ourselves to reach and acquire “outside of us”, but the inner co-cooperation with the Father, our Creator, and the Holy Spirit to come into agreement with Him and eliminate every opposing influence to that truth, whether it comes in the form of thoughts, attitudes, feelings, words, wrong self-perceptions, circumstantial evidences that want to enclose us in a limited and reinvented personal vision of a soul that hasn’t been transformed.

You and I cannot consistently live in a way that is contrary to what we believe about ourselves. What you and I believe about ourselves has left an inner impression; an inner image -we could say- a personal vision of whom we see ourselves as. It is like a current deep within the soul that generates a powerful influence like a magnet, at key moments in life. Even after we decide to continue in a pre-established direction, we find ourselves deviating into thought patterns and a feeling of “scarcity and powerlessness”, when we face a circumstance. When there is not a personal vision strong enough within us, those influences drag us down and we are drawn like metal to the magnet, to conform to a lower reality. Sometimes we simply lose some valuable time until we react and go back to holding on to the Word of our Father and stand there in faith, but at other times, we surrender to those currents, and sometimes we totally lose our way to where the Father was leading us.

For that reason, it is worth the effort to dedicate your life to developing a personal vision. It is a lifelong task because you are always being transformed in your relationship with God through the Word and as a result, your personal vision of what the Father thinks of you and has for you, is clarified with those truths that set you free from limitations of a soul in ignorance.

To consider some important points about a personal, inner and spiritual vision that comes from the sphere of the Father, it is important to establish some values ​​and principles of his kingdom. A personal vision is focused on “being” who you are; that unique person, with a special design and giftedness to care for that part of the dominion in the Father’s kingdom, that He has entrusted to you. Yes! You are a son and you are a competent, anointed and fruitful person in that domain that God has given you. What is that domain? It is the sphere where you were designed to exercise authority for the benefit of others. When you are in your “being”, your “doing” unconsciously flows from that identity of an empowered and effective child of God. So to develop your personal vision or to refine it, focus on thinking, meditating and imagining together with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, to discover “who you are in the Father”. We’ll look at some points to work on a personal vision.

First, a personal vision is not a vision of what you would like to be or do, receiving input from the comparisons with others and what they do, and it is not a vision based on inferior values ​​of what the world considers a “successful person”. A personal vision for a child of God is so that you can be congruent with the vision that the Father has of you. Who are you as a son? Take the Word to establish the foundation of your personal vision so that what you build upon does not collapse under external pressures. You are loved, forgiven, accepted, a child with whom the Father delights. You are competent, (you do not have to compete with anyone), you are chosen (chosen by the Father’s hand, you are desired), anointed (you are empowered to be who you are) and you are complete in Christ. Avoid looking outside yourself for images that define you, look inside yourself and in the Word, and allow the Father to reveal who you are in Him.

Second, a personal vision must be developed in a flow of words that are simple and easy for you to imagine and remember. Each child of God is unique and what works for one does not always work for another. You have a way of expressing yourself, a way that creates images that helps you visualize what you are expressing. Write your personal vision in your own words. It is not the poetry of a personal vision that makes it powerful but the belief that you have of it because it is yours.

Third, once developed on paper, a personal vision must be imprinted on the understanding of our hearts. That is the most important part of a personal vision. It must be the seal of fire inside you reminding you who you are in life. To achieve this, you must be diligent to meditate day and night on who the Father revealed to you that you are. Meditation is thinking, talking about it with yourself, and it is observing (related to seeing, which means that you must activate your imagination). Meditation is key to imprint your personal vision within yourself until it becomes an inner image.

This book of the law will not leave your mouth, but you will meditate on it day and night, so that you may observe, keep and do according to all that is written in it. Because then you will prosper your way, you will act wisely and you will be successful. ” Joshua 1: 8 AMPC

The Bible talks a lot about meditation and it is always related to a fruitful and fulfilling life. Meditation on your personal vision will help you renew your understanding with the light of the Father’s truth and eliminate the deep currents of the soul that function as heavy anchors in your daily life. When you really know who you are in life and you are discovering your place of dominion within the Father’s kingdom, nothing can stop you from living your reality. Take the time to develop a personal vision from the sphere of the Father and live the Fullness of who you are.

By Apostle Kimberly Angulo.

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