God’s Masterpiece

Fun fact: your presence on earth is not a mistake nor is it some random act of chance. Your existence, your birthdate, even the very fingerprint you bear is strategic. When we truly understand who we are as sons and daughters of God we will never live another day of jealousy, inadequacy, striving, or go any longer wrestling with insecurities. In fact, understanding who and Whose we are permanently erases dependency on man’s attention, affirmation, or acceptance.
In Ephesians 2:10 the Apostle Paul drops a bomb of revelation, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” (NKJV) Did you notice that? We are God’s workmanship. Some translations say we are His handiwork, masterpiece, or as The Passion Translation says, His poetry.
David writes in Psalm 139:13-14, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” (ESV) This word “knitted” in the Hebrew means “to be woven.” Imagine a basket that has been woven together with great intentionality and precise detail. In the same way God has woven you together. You were not created in some factory assembly line in Heaven. You are a living, breathing, hand-crafted expression of the Master Craftsman (see Genesis 1:26-27).

This is significant for many reasons. Consider the following questions:
How did God create the world? With His mouth.
How long did it take for Him to make the world? Six days.
How did God make you? With His hands.
How long did it take Him to make you? Nine months.
Which do you think is more impressive to Him: the world He made with His mouth, or you whom He made with His hands? The answer is you.

Notice the Apostle Paul did not say the world is God’s masterpiece, He said we are. This means you are more breathtaking than any ocean view, more stunning than any mountain peak, and more captivating than any sunset. By simply waking up in the morning you bring the Father profound pleasure. Do you see yourself and others through this lens? I believe from this day forward you will. In the matchless name of Jesus!

In conclusion, to determine who is at fault for a crime, detectives will dust the crime scene and use a black light to uncover any fingerprints, thus leading investigators to the culprit. My friend, if you were to be sprinkled with Heavenly dust and had the light of Christ shine over your mortal body, we would see nothing but the very fingerprints of God all over you.

Always remember you are not a mistake, you are a masterpiece. Hallelujah!

Additional verses: John 1:3, Colossians 1:16, Psalm 17:8, Job 31:15, Isaiah 44:24, Jeremiah 1:5.

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