Bright love

By my window,
on this beautiful morning
I contemplate your creation,
Interrupted by the steam of my mate.

I see the sun suspended in the vastness
and I taste your great love,
Beating in my heart.
These tremendous words resound,

And let them be lights to give light to the earth,
And so it was, the greater light to light the day.

As that sunlight warms my face behind the glass,
So is your love for me, as a heavenly shelter.

If a single word was enough
For that sun to hang till this day,
How great and immeasurable
Your love for me and for you.

In my molecular universe
And in the vastness of the universe
I find you present
My omnipresent good Father.

I see my watch and I become aware
Of the elapsed time,
Of the darkened mate
And of my vulnerability without You.

I have learned that I am eternity,
Even though circumstances may say it’s not true.
I choose to live that eternity here and now,
Above all adversity.

I see the moon suspended in the immensity and I taste your great love.
Beating in my heart
Those tremendous words resound,

And let them be lights to give light to the earth,
And so was the lesser luminary, the moon, to rule the night.

With her comes the silence,
the calm and the reflection of knowing that…

A single word was enough
For the moon to hang till this day,
How great and immeasurable
That love for me and for you.

Javier Pighini.


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