
What do I Bring to my Team?

A team is a group of people united to carry out the work of ministry together, carrying out the Father's plans. They come together...

Bright love

By my window, on this beautiful morning I contemplate your creation, Interrupted by the steam of my mate. I see the sun suspended in the vastness and I taste...


What is an illness? It is the ailment of the body, soul and/or spirit. Why do we come to the point...

God’s Masterpiece

Fun fact: your presence on earth is not a mistake nor is it some random act of chance. Your...

The Magnificent Secrets of Gratitude

August 14, 2018 was the saddest day of my life. My son Marco took his own life on that...

The Honor of Being Part of the Body of Christ.

“For his “body” has been formed in his image and is closely joined together and constantly connected as one....

Shaking off Slothfulness

This is the best day to be alive for the church! The greatest hour for the church is now!...

¿What Occupies your Thoughts?

One of the most frequent questions we receive is, "What are you thinking about? Perhaps, for many, this may be...