2020 A Year without Precedents

“And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.”

I Chronicles 12:32

As children of God we have the potential to have an understanding of the times and to know what to do. When someone knows what ought to be done, they become an influential person, especially when there is so much uncertainty in the world. In this New Year, you have been chosen to be a very influential representative of the Father. For that reason, it is crucial that you have an understanding of what the kingdom provides in this time. God has given us a strong impartation through the prophetic so that we can lay hold of the power and provision for “this hour”. We want to facilitate both understanding and direction so that you can live in fullness and walk in the “high places” that are prepared for you (Psalm 18:32,33).

II Chronicles 20:20

Living established and prosperous. 

“…Believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established; believe and remain steadfast to His prophets and you shall prosper.”

II Chronicles 20:20b AMPC

Knowing the times and knowing what to do is a grace that Father God has given to his children under the new covenant. Having understanding of the times is learning to discern the many ways that Father God speaks to us to help us understand what He is communicating. As mature sons of God, we understand that “hearing” is both seeing and obeying, and that places us in the necessary condition and position to live what has been pre-established by the Father. Be expectant in this year. Be expectant concerning your relationship with Father God because you have been destined to arise and live in a greater dimension of intimacy and legislating as a son of God in your world on behalf of others.

Believe the Lord your God

Believing the Lord your God is to determine to believe EVERYTHING that the Father has said, that he is saying and what He is saying to you. Faith is a decision of the heart since faith does not require natural evidence neither does it need the five senses as proof in order to believe. Believing the Lord establishes you firmly in his purposes, in his protection, in his provision and in his plan. These are four areas that you need to focus on this year.

When you are established your environment or your circumstances do NOT move you. This year you need to determine to be intentional in your “believing”. Chaos in the world is going to increase but the son of God who believes in the Lord his God will be established in every area of his life. Believing Father God causes you to live established.

Believe and remain steadfast to His prophets

Believe and remain steadfast to the gifts that God has given you causes you to prosper. God has chosen to give gifts to men and through them train, equip and perfect the saints for the work that they are called to do. This is a year to increase your heart connection and confidence in the gifts that God has placed in your life. They are anointed to perfect you and bring you into a greater fullness of his plan.

Knowing that it is God that places you in the Body as He chooses is fundamental in order to remain steadfast. Believing that Father God has given you Pastors, gifts after his own heart, is necessary to believe them and remain committed to them. You are where you are because Father God has placed you there (unless you made decisions from your own prudence). In your place in the Body, under the impartation of your gifts, you receive teaching (light) and instruction that will guide you in every aspect of your life. The divine influence of your gifts will activate the grace of God in your life causing you to live the plans and purposes of Father God. In this condition and position of believing and remaining steadfast to your gifts you will prosper in every good thing. This is a year to prosper toward the abundance of the kingdom in every area of life.

Vision 20/20

Be expectant that your spiritual vision is going to sharpen. You will have a gifting to be able to see more clearly in the spiritual realm for your life. Vision 20/20 implies the capacity to see both far away and close up. Activate your faith upon this impartation; the spiritual faculty to see farther out the plan that Father God has for you without losing sight of the things up close. Those things that need to be accomplished daily and weekly.

Acts 20:20

This year we will see an increase in fruit and advancement in the vision. The commitment to the celebrations will increase. We can expect to see people come for the first time off the streets without any previous contact. The Friendship Encounters are going to be a point of attraction and the desire to be pastored and to mature is going to increase in the Church in general. The perception of the “need” to be closely joined and firmly knit together as members of the Body will bring the church into a greater level of maturity and influence in society. The seeds that have been sown in past years concerning the vision are going to bring forth fruit in this year. There is an anointing, a supernatural power, to prosper in what God has called us as a family, to be a movement “in the ‘temple’ and in the homes”.

In 2020 we are closing out a 3-year period that Apostle Martin prophesied in 2017. An identical word that was prophesied by others; a period of 3 years that is now finishing and giving place to something new.

In 2020 we are entering into a segment of time of 10 years, something that Father God revealed to us on Friday, October 11th, 2019. It´s a period of time in which Father God is accelerating a work in the Church to place it in condition and position for this new season. It is a time to manifest with demonstration of Holy Spirit and power the reality of our Lord and his kingdom, releasing solutions and answers to our world. The Church will rise and shine like never before. Sons of God that have been burnt out in their gift and calling will be reactivated causing a greater radiance in the Body as a whole. It is very important that we “draw” from the power and anointing of this word that God released and live the reality of this in our local congregations.

In the measure that you determine to live your identity as a mature son, you will be aligning yourself to the work that Father God is doing. In the world it is going to be a time of great turbulence but the children of God are going to have the wisdom to navigate in these turbulent waters.

The Hebrew number for your year “2020” is the number 5780 which means “mouth”. Many Apostles and Prophets have been announcing that we are entering into a greater dimension to decree the purposes of God. We give testimony to this and we need to prepare ourselves to walk in this dimension of power in our mouths. To do that, it is very important to speak only those things that we know are God’s purposes and truly believe in our hearts what we are decreeing. Too many Christians make declarations with their mouths merely from their minds of things that they truly desire to come to pass but do not really believe it in their hearts. They are creating a breech between their mouths and their hearts causing the words that they speak or decree to be empty words. We need to correct this. Take time to hold back your speaking and begin to meditate on what you really believe. Activate your measure of faith and mix it with the Word of God and with your God given rights within the Word. Make sure that what you are declaring and decreeing is carrying the spiritual weight of authority that it should. Avoid speaking foolish words that rob you of your internal believing and be the “spokesman of Father God” here on the earth to manifest what is prepared for this time.

This New Year of 2020 is a year without precedents in glory, power and manifestation. It is our time as the sons of God, as the Church, to fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. Rise up confidently in who you are in Christ. Honor the work of the Lord and manifest “heaven on earth”. Not only will you be a blessing to others you will be the first one who benefits from that powerful flow of glory and grace from within.


Living established and prosperous.

Apostles Martín & Kimberly Angulo

World Harvest Church

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